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News, Informationen und Artikel für die Bereiche Medizin, Gesundheit und Forschung.

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Unterstützung des offenen Zugangs

Mpox Information Center: Free access to resouces

In response to the World Health Organization (WHO) recently declaring mpox a public health emergency of international concern, Elsevier’s Mpox Information Center provides free access to all mpox-related information across Elsevier’s journals, medical books and clinical resources.

mpox virus

Advancing open access

Elsevier’s Laura Hassink and Stuart Whayman talk about the growth of open access and what the future holds for researchers, librarians and publishers

Photo of Elsevier's Stuart Whayman, Managing Direct, Researchers & Librarians, and Laura Hassink, Managing Director, Journals

Not Alone: Leaders in Focus

Unfiltered perspectives on global issues by research and academic leaders.

Featured stories and videos:

  • Navigating the complexities of free speech: Reflections on a difficult year

  • Encouraging innovation and commercialization as an academic leader

  • Dr Freeman Hrabowski: Transforming UMBC into a top STEM university

Recent Not Alone contributors include (clockwise from left): Gary S May, PhD; Margaret Sheil, AO, FAA, FTSE; Cynthia K Larive, PhD

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