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Retinacular Arteries (Right)
Cardiovascular System

Retinacular Arteries (Right)

Arteriae retinaculares

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Quick Facts

Origin: Medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries.

Course: Ascend to the femoral head within the hip joint capsule.

Branches: Intracapsular anastomosis.

Supplied Structures: Femoral head.

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The medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries form an arterial ring around the neck of the femur and provide blood to the femoral head. The branches that arise from the anastomotic ring are called the ascending cervical branches. They pierce the zona orbicularis of the hip joint capsule. These vessels ascend along the femoral neck towards the hip joint, deep to the synovium, where they become the retinacular arteries.


The retinacular arteries extend to the head of the femur, within the synovial membrane surrounding the neck of the femur.


The retinacular arteries form an arterial intracapsular anastomosis around the femoral neck.

Supplied Structures

The retinacular arteries provide the primary supply of the femoral head. The retinacular arteries are vulnerable if the femoral neck is damaged.

List of Clinical Correlates

- Avascular necrosis

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