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Recursos y apoyo para los financiadores

Las soluciones de Elsevier respaldan su estrategia, planificación y evaluación de las actividades de financiación.

Resources and support for funders

View from the top: Insights on the challenges ahead

Today’s institutional leaders face a shifting landscape of challenges. "View from the Top" explores the complex issues academic leaders and funders face, their preparedness to tackle them, and the strategies they’re developing to ensure long-term success for their institutions.

Developed from interviews of over 100 global senior leaders done in partnership with Ipsos, the report provides insight into both current priorities and those expected to pose even more significant challenges in the coming years, such as AI governance and climate change.

Read the full report

Satellite dish pointing upward

Featured resources

  • Attitudes towards AI: discover what researchers and clinicians around the world think about the use of AI in their work

  • Back to Earth: perspectives from the academic community on the need to evolve current methods of evaluation

  • Research data management: resources and solutions to support for the research community so that they can navigate the research data system

people office meeting

Develop a clear vision and strategy for impactful outcomes

Leverage advanced analytics to gain a 360 view, benchmark against peers, and pinpoint strengths, gaps, and opportunities for impact. Tap into the world's most comprehensive databases and global data sources to map the full research landscape, and develop a bold vision that inspires innovation and defines clear impact metrics mapped to your priorities. Featured products:



Analytical Services


woman looking at climbing wall

Gain a leading edge in research Investment opportunities

Uncover new research investment opportunities and strategic partnerships for impactful funding. Foster collaboration and innovation by leveraging data-driven insights and analytics. Maximize the impact of research funding by identifying and supporting promising research initiatives.

Featured products:


Analytical Services


Custom Data


planting seedlings in a tray

Elevate your organization's reputation as a catalyst for groundbreaking discovery

Accurately capture, measure and promote the knowledge created and real-world impacts of the research programs you fund. Leverage integrated reporting solutions to craft powerful evidence-based narratives that resonate with stakeholders.

Featured products:




Analytical Services


two climbers reaching summit