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Male Internal Genitalia
Urogenital System

Male Internal Genitalia

Organa genitalia masculina interna

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The testes, spermatic cord, and accessory glands are considered internal genital organs. These organs aid in the passage of sperm and urine through the ductus deferens and urethra during ejaculation and urination, respectively.

The testes are the primary sex organs that play a crucial role in both the male reproductive and endocrine systems. The testes are paired ovoid structures that are in the scrotum. They are composed of up to 900 coiled seminiferous tubules in which the sperm is produced.

The seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands contribute fluids that aid in the motility and safety of the passage of sperm through the ductus deferens into the urethra, and out of the penis. The passage of urine out the body, via the urethra, is controlled by the sphincter urethrae muscles.

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