Quick Facts
Origin: Ophthalmic artery.
Course: Runs inside the optic nerve to reach the eyeball.
Branches: Superior and inferior nasal and temporal branches.
Supplied Structures: Retina.
The central retinal artery is the small, first branch of the ophthalmic artery.
The central retinal artery arises just below the optic nerve. For a short time, it lies inferiorly in the dural sheath surrounding the optic nerve, and then enters the optic nerve to course towards the retina (extraocular part). It enters the eyeball through the lamina cribrosa, where it gives off several branches (intraocular part). The intraocular part course over the innermost surface of the retina, superficial to the ganglion cell layer. It sends small branches into the retina that extend through and supply cells of the ganglion cell layer, the inner plexiform layer, the inner nuclear layer, and the outer plexiform layer. It does not supply the rod and cone photoreceptors of the outer nuclear layer which are served by diffusion from the choriocapillaris.
The intraocular part of the central retinal artery divides into superior and inferior temporal, and superior and inferior nasal branches, each of which supply a quadrant of the retina. The superior and inferior temporal branches arc above and below the macula but do not supply structures at the depths of the fovea.
Supplied Structures
The central retinal artery supplies the inner layers of the retina of the eyeball.
List of Clinical Correlates