Quick Facts
Origin: Superficial temporal artery.
Course: Upper border of zygomatic arch towards the lateral orbital angle.
Branches: None.
Supplied Structures: Orbicularis oculi muscle.
Related parts of the anatomy
The zygomaticoorbital artery arises from the superficial temporal artery. In some instance, it may arise from the middle temporal artery or the parietal branch of the superficial temporal artery.
The short zygomaticoorbital artery courses medially towards the lateral angle of the orbit on the upper border of the zygomatic arch. It is located between the two layers of the temporal fascia.
There are no named branches; however, the zygomaticoorbital artery may anastomose with the lacrimal and palpebral branches of the ophthalmic artery.
Supplied Structures
The zygomaticoorbital artery provides arterial supply to the orbicularis oculi muscle.