Quick Facts
Origin: Posterior division of internal iliac artery.
Course: Ascends laterally to the medial border of psoas major muscle.
Branches: Iliacus and lumbar branches.
Supplied Structures: Ilium and iliacus, psoas major, and quadratus lumborum muscles.
Related parts of the anatomy
The iliolumbar artery is the first branch of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery.
It ascends laterally to the medial border of psoas major muscle, anterior to the sacroiliac joint and lumbosacral trunk and posterior to the obturator nerve and external iliac artery and vein.
Just behind the medial border of psoas major muscle, the iliolumbar artery divides into the iliacus and lumbar branches.
Supplied Structures
The lumbar branch of iliolumbar artery supplies the psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles. The iliacus branch supplies the iliacus muscle and the ilium.
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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.