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Straight Arteries of Colon
Cardiovascular System

Straight Arteries of Colon

Arteriae rectae coli

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Quick Facts

Origin: Marginal artery (of Drummond).

Course: These arteries pass straight out, away from their origin towards the large intestine.

Branches: None.

Supplied Structures: All parts of the large intestine.

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Many small vessels that arise from the anastomosing branches of ileocolic, right, middle, left colic and sigmoidal arteries. These together form a large arterial anastomotic circle often called the marginal artery (of Drummond) of the colon, and the straight arteries can be seen as originating from this anastomotic circle.


Of varying length, these arteries pass straight out, away from their origin off the marginal artery of the colon (of Drummond) to the inner aspect of the large intestine.


There are no named branches, however, as the straight arteries approach the large intestine, they send vessels anterior and posterior to the local portion of colon, which they encircle it.

Supplied Structures

The straight arteries of the colon supply all portions of the large intestine, including the: cecum and the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon.

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