Posterior Radicular Artery (Thoracic; Left)
Arteria radicularis posterioris
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Radicular artery.
Course: Accompany the posterior roots of the spinal cord through the intervertebral foramina.
Branches: None.
Supplied Structures: Posterior roots of spinal cord and spinal ganglia.
Related parts of the anatomy
After the radicular arteries arise from the lateral spinal branches of the vertebral, ascending cervical, intercostal, subcostal, and lumbar arteries, they divide into anterior and posterior branches.
The posterior radicular arteries pass medially to enter the intervertebral foramina at each vertebral level. They accompany the posterior roots of the spinal cord.
There are no named branches.
Supplied Structures
The posterior radicular arteries supply the posterior roots of the spinal cord and the spinal ganglia (dorsal root ganglia).
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Radicular Artery

A SDAVF represents an acquired abnormal connection between a radicular artery and vein along the inner surface of the dura of the nerve root sleeve.