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Institutional Author Services

We provide institution-specific language retouching services for universities and research institutions to ensure that articles meet submission requirements and increase the acceptance rate of manuscripts.

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Elsevier Author Services - Institutional Group Deals

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Elsevier Author Services - Institutional Group Deals

What we offer

Institutional group solutions

Elsevier is committed to supporting our customers over the long term, so we have specially created a group deal option for our Author Services opens in new tab/window to increase the quality of your researchers’ manuscripts and enhance your institution’s global output.

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Instant use, prepaid discount

With this pre-paid method, you create an account with us and credit it with the amount you choose. You then receive a unique access code which your researchers and alumni can use when uploading their documents for editing. Costs of all editing jobs using this code are deducted from your total balance. You can top-up the account balance at any time.

  • Invest a minimum of $1000 or €1000 for your group deal package

  • We add a 10% credit to your pre-paid amount

  • Your pre-paid credit is valid for 24 months from the date of issue

  • Your researchers can enjoy the services free at the point of need

Two women having discussion

What our services include

Substantive editing: Ensure that the document is with in the intended format, according to the end target-for example, a newspaper, a magazine of a thesis

Proofreading: Grammar, style, repetition, jargon, and word usage will be corrected

Formatting: Ensure that the document is within the intended format, according to the end target – for example, a newspaper, a magazine, or a thesis

References: The consulted literature is double-checked to make sure that every citation appears related to an item in the bibliography

Female author working on laptop in office

The unique advantages of Elsevier Institutional Author Services

  • With more than 100 years of experience in the scientific publishing process, Elsevier has the expertise and tools to help your authors communicate their research impeccably and innovatively at the highest level.

  • Our PhD-level native editors aim to help your researchers achieve their publishing and research communication goals with in-depth editing and advice, increasing their chance of being published in global influential journals.

  • Ensure your researchers get the best out of their papers and grant proposals, reduce the time that they spend preparing their work

  • Strengthen your commitment of support to your researchers and attract talents

  • Raise the quality of your institution’s published output, fuel your institution to excel in international research

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