Superficial External Pudendal Artery
Arteria pudendalis externa superficialis
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Origin: Femoral artery.
Course: Travels medially from femoral artery.
Branches: Anastomosis with internal pudendal artery.
Supplied Structures: Skin of abdomen and external genitalia.
The superficial external pudendal artery arises from the medial surface of the proximal third of the femoral artery.
From its origin, the artery travels medially, pierces the cribriform fascia (part of the superficial fascia of the thigh covering the saphenous opening) and travels anterior to the spermatic cord in males or the round ligament of uterus in females to reach the external genitalia.
There are no named branches; however, the superficial external pudendal artery anastomosis with the internal pudendal artery.
Supplied Structures
The superficial external pudendal artery supplies the skin of the inguinal region and external genitalia.
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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.