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Journals in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Working together with top Editors and Authors in the field, we publish myriad journals covering Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Our international focus enables us to publish journals across the world, whilst maintaining close links with our global society partners.

We are proud to publish high quality, peer reviewed journals on behalf of and together with societies and we value the contribution these societies bring to the field.

High quality journals

By delivering first class information and innovative tools, we continue to refine our portfolio to serve the research needs of educators, researchers and students worldwide. We are proud to play an integral part within the academic community and to participate in the advancement of this field.

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Elsevier Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Journals

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Open access lies at the core of Elsevier’s publishing mission – in fact, today, almost all of our journals offer open access options. That means finding the right open access home for your research is easy.

Whatever route you choose, publishing with Elsevier means your work benefits from the input of expert editors and reviewers. And if you publish gold open access, it is immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download from ScienceDirect. Our gold OA titles also feature in major indexes and databases.