Plenary talks from renowned speakers
Our invited prestigious speakers lead a topical programme supplemented by selected contributed oral presentations and poster sessions for which abstracts are invited.

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19-23 October 2025 | Kashiwa-no-ha Conference Centre, Kashiwa, Japan
The 2025 conference will be held under the theme, From Data to Decision: Empowering Ecosystem Management through Modelling and will be held at the Kashiwa-no-ha Conference Centre, Kashiwa, Japan from 19-23 October 2025.
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The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2025 will be held under the theme ‘From Data to Decision: Empowering Ecosystem Management through Modelling’. It will highlight the pivotal role of advanced ecological modelling in transforming diverse datasets into decision making and actionable management strategies.
In the face of escalating global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion or degradation, this conference will focus on the development of quantitative and qualitative tools and strategies that not only safeguard ecosystems but also enhance their resilience and promote future sustainability.
In today's rapidly changing environmental landscape, the abilities to utilize big data and to convert diverse and complex data into actionable insights is essential. This conference will provide a platform for ecological modelers to refine their concepts and methodologies, advancing ecological theory across a broad range of topics and modelling techniques.
It will also highlight how cutting-edge modelling techniques can be employed to analyze and interpret data from multiple sources. By integrating these diverse data streams, ecological models can help forecast ecosystems under future scenarios, evaluate potential management actions, and guide sustainable ecosystem management decisions.
The theme also emphasizes the importance of empowering ecosystem management through these models, ensuring that decision-makers have the insights needed to take informed, proactive measures. By focusing on future strategies, the conference aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations that unite technological innovations with ecological knowledge, promoting a holistic approach to ecosystem management.
Discussions will explore paths to sustainable practices that balance human needs with environmental well-being, highlighting the pivotal role of modelling in projection, assessing risks, and building resilient ecosystems for next generations.
The conference will offer a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in ecological modelling and address the key challenges associated with effectively implementing adaptive management strategies.
We would like to invite participants to organize symposiums at The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2025.
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Deadline: 7 February 2025
1. Dynamic ecosystem models
2. Uncertainty analysis
3. Ensemble modelling
4. Data assimilation and optimization techniques
5. Machine learning and (big) data
6. Model integration, metamodels
7. Individual-based modelling
8. Software and tools
9. Bioenergetics: Dynamic energy budget models
10. Network modelling
11. Models of socio-ecological systems
12. Models of global, climate and land-use change
13. Sustainability and resilience
14. Ecosystem services
15. Biodiversity and conservation
16. Community models
17. Marine ecology and fisheries
18. Forests
19. Freshwaters (lakes and rivers)
20. Models of epidemics
21. Other
The abstract submission system will open on: 27 February 2025
Abstract submission deadline: 2 May 2025
This conference is organised by Elsevier and the International Society for Ecological Modelling opens in new tab/window
International Society for Ecological Modelling
Symposium submission deadline: 7 February 2025
Abstract submission system opens: 27 February 2025
Abstract submission deadline: 2 May 2025
Author notification deadline: 27 June 2025
Author registration deadline: 25 July 2025
Early bird deadline: 8 August 2025
Our invited prestigious speakers lead a topical programme supplemented by selected contributed oral presentations and poster sessions for which abstracts are invited.
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A special issue will be published after the conference in Ecological Modelling opens in new tab/window. Submissions will be open to presenters of both oral and poster papers and will be subject to peer review and editorial standards.
Ecological Modelling opens in new tab/windowpublishes new mathematical models and systems analysis for describing ecological processes, and novel applications of models for environmental management.
The journal also supports the activities of the International Society of Ecological Modelling (ISEM) opens in new tab/window.
Ecological Modelling
One Earth opens in new tab/windowis the home for high-quality research and perspectives that seek to understand and address today’s sustainability challenges. We publish monthly thematic issues that aspire to break down barriers between the natural, social and applied sciences, stimulate the cross-pollination of ideas, and provide a platform to unite communities, foster dialogue, and encourage transformative research.
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Conference 2023 Location: University of Toronto, Scarborough, Canada Date: 2-6 May 2023 Program opens in new tab/window
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Conference 2019 Location: Salzburg, Austria Date: 1 – 5 October 2019 Program opens in new tab/window
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2017 Location: Jeju, South Korea Date: 17-21 September 2017 Program opens in new tab/window
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016 Location: Towson University, Baltimore, MD Date: 8 – 12 May 2016 Program opens in new tab/window