Nominated articles
Each month the Atlas Advisory Board are sent a selection of 10 articles to choose their winning Atlas article. The articles are shortlisted by Elsevier from across journal portfolios based on their potential social impact. We are delighted to present the entire monthly shortlist and congratulate the authors of the nominated articles.

2024 Atlas Nominated Articles dedicated to Climate Action
Winning article
A global outlook on increasing wildfire risk: Current policy situation and future pathways opens in new tab/window Trees, Forests and People
A cross-country comparative analysis of congestion pricing systems: Lessons for decarbonizing transportation opens in new tab/window Case Studies on Transport Policy
Pressures of the urban environment on the endocrine system: Adverse effects and adaptation opens in new tab/window Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Going green in gynecology: a call to action opens in new tab/window American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Where is the carbon premium? Global performance of green and brown stocks opens in new tab/window Journal of Climate Finance
Systematic review of climate change effects on reproductive health opens in new tab/window Fertility and Sterility
Climate change, environmental extremes, and human health in Australia: challenges, adaptation strategies, and policy gaps opens in new tab/window The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
China’s public health initiatives for climate change adaptation opens in new tab/window The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
Enhancing health resilience in Japan in a changing climate opens in new tab/window The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
Health and climate change: adaptation policy in Aotearoa New Zealand opens in new tab/window The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific