Atlas Nominations 2018
November/December 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Estimation of gas emission and derived electrical power generation from landfills. Trinidad and Tobago as study caseopens in new tab/window Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Food in the Bioeconomyopens in new tab/window Trends in Food Science & Technology
Cooperation or competition – When do people contribute more? A field experiment on gamification of crowdsourcingopens in new tab/window International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
A first step to improving maternal mortality in a low-literacy setting; the successful use of singing to improve knowledge regarding antenatal careopens in new tab/window American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Social responsibility and engagement in higher education: Case of the ASEANopens in new tab/window International Journal of Educational Development
October 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Emerging infections—an increasingly important topic: review by the Emerging Infections Task Forceopens in new tab/window Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Reducing Latin America's violent hot spotsopens in new tab/window Aggression and Violent Behavior
Acupuncture in Postdate Pregnancy Managementopens in new tab/window Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
Healthy living: A health promotion program for adults with intellectual disabilityopens in new tab/window Disability and Health Journal
September 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Deforestation and child diet diversity: A geospatial analysis of 15 Sub-Saharan African countries opens in new tab/window Health & Place
An internationally standardized species identification test for use on suspected seized rhinoceros horn in the illegal wildlife tradeopens in new tab/window Forensic Science International: Genetics
Cleaner production in Burkina Faso: Case study of fuel briquettes made from cashew industry wasteopens in new tab/window Journal of Cleaner Production
Cinema, aesthetics and narrative: Cinema as therapy in substance use disordersopens in new tab/window The Arts in Psychotherapy
Grafting as a strategy to increase flowering of cassavaopens in new tab/window Scientia Horticulturae
Landscape and crop management strategies to conserve pollination services and increase yields in tropical coffee farmsopens in new tab/window Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Biodiesels from microbial oils: Opportunity and challengesopens in new tab/window Bioresource Technology
July/August 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning articles
eRepo-ORP: Exploring the Opportunity Space to Combat Orphan Diseases with Existing Drugsopens in new tab/window Journal of Molecular Biology
An overview of arable land use for the world economy: From source to sink via the global supply chain opens in new tab/window Land Use Policy
Solidarities at a distance: Extending Fairtrade gold to East Africaopens in new tab/window The Extractive Industries and Society
Teacher quality and student achievement in Chile: Linking teachers' contribution and observable characteristicsopens in new tab/window International Journal of Educational Development
Women and corruption: What positions must they hold to make a difference?opens in new tab/window Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Just rewards: 17-Month-old infants expect agents to take resources according to the principles of distributive justiceopens in new tab/window Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
June 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Correlates of sedentary behavior in 2,375 people with depression from 6 low- and middle-income countriesopens in new tab/window Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 234, July 2018, Pages 97-104
Impact of parasitism in goat productionopens in new tab/window Small Ruminant Research
Are future doctors ready to donate blood and encourage blood donation?opens in new tab/window Transfusion and Apheresis Science
Evaluating Affordable Cranial Ultrasonography in East African Neonatal Intensive Care Unitsopens in new tab/window Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Long-term effects of alternative deterrence policies: Panel data evidence from traffic punishments in Denmarkopens in new tab/window Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
A screen-printed paper microbial fuel cell biosensor for detection of toxic compounds in wateropens in new tab/window Biosensors and Bioelectronics
The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus amongst black South African women is a public health concernopens in new tab/window Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
The Guarani Aquifer System: From a Beacon of hope to a question mark in the governance of transboundary aquifersopens in new tab/window Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
May 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Knowing less but presuming more: Dunning-Kruger effects and the endorsement of anti-vaccine policy attitudesopens in new tab/window Social Science & Medicine
Improved strength of silk fibers in Bombyx mori trimolters induced by an anti-juvenile hormone compoundopens in new tab/window Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects
Rhesus disease: a global prevention strategyopens in new tab/window The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health
Assessment of ocean wave energy resource potential in Thailandopens in new tab/window Ocean & Coastal Management
Barriers to childcare in Children's Homes in Ghana: Caregivers' solutionsopens in new tab/window Children and Youth Services Review
Meiofauna matters: The roles of meiofauna in benthic ecosystemsopens in new tab/window Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Independent solar photovoltaic with Energy Storage Systems (ESS) for rural electrification in Myanmaropens in new tab/window Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
April 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Performance of structural concrete with recycled plastic waste as a partial replacement for sandopens in new tab/window Construction and Building Materials
Hallmarks of cancer: The CRISPR generationopens in new tab/window European Journal of Cancer
The tension between gender equality and doing gender: Swedish couples' talk about the division of houseworkopens in new tab/window Women's Studies International Forum
Spinosad: A new natural product for stored grain protectionopens in new tab/window Journal of Stored Products Research
January 2018 Atlas nominations
Winning article
Antiprotozoal activity of medicinal plants used by Iquitos-Nauta road communities in Loreto (Peru)opens in new tab/window Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Read the story “Fighting malaria with help from the forestopens in new tab/window” about the award-winning research!
Shared with Where are commodity crops certified, and what does it mean for conservation and poverty alleviation?opens in new tab/window Biological Conservation
Fires and explosionsopens in new tab/window Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
Plastics in the North Atlantic garbage patch: A boat-microbe for hitchhikers and plastic degradersopens in new tab/window Science of The Total Environment
Identifying critical factors of oil spill in the tanker shipping industry worldwideopens in new tab/window Journal of Cleaner Production
Walkability, transit, and body mass index: A panel approachopens in new tab/window Journal of Transport & Health