Quick Facts
Origin: Anterior rami of the second and third cervical nerves.
Course: Descends in close approximation to internal jugular vein.
Branches: Muscular branches to infrahyoid muscles.
Supply: Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle and the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles.
Related parts of the anatomy
The inferior root originates directly from the anterior rami of the second and third cervical nerves.
The inferior root descends medial or lateral to internal jugular vein. It unites with the superior root to form the ansa cervicalis.
The inferior root of the ansa cervicalis provides muscular branches to infrahyoid muscles.
Supplied Structures
The inferior root of the ansa cervicalis innervates the inferior belly of omohyoid, and the lower parts of sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles.