The celiac ganglia are paired, prevertebral (preaortic), sympathetic ganglia, that are located retroperitoneally at the base of the celiac trunk. They are highly interconnected so may appear to be one mass rather than two right and left ganglia. Sympathetic fibers traveling in the greater thoracic splanchnic nerves synapse here. The axons of preganglionic parasympathetic nerves from the vagal trunks and postganglionic sympathetic nerves are intertwined at the ganglia. They form the celiac plexus of nerves, that follows the celiac trunk and its branches out to their target organs of the foregut.
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Celiac Ganglion

The celiac ganglion, a mass of nervous tissue that innervates the pancreas as well as other organs, consists of non-neuronal cell populations (for example, glial and mesenchymal cells), in addition to sympathetic peripheral neurons.