Anterior Longitudinal Ligament (Sacral Part)
Ligamentum longitudinale anterius
Read moreStructure
The anterior longitudinal ligament is composed of three layers: the superficial, intermediate, and deep layers.
The superficial layer has the longest fibers that can extend over several vertebrae, while the deep layer only extends between adjacent vertebrae. The fibers have particularly strong attachments to the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs.
Anatomical Relations
The anterior longitudinal ligament descends along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the vertebral bodies.
The anterior longitudinal ligament prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column and reinforces the anterior aspect of the sacrum.
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Anterior Longitudinal Ligament

The anterior longitudinal ligament is a band of dense fibrous tissue that runs from the occiput to the sacrum on the ventral surface of the spine.