Pelvic fascia are layers of connective tissues that form coverings over muscles of the pelvic floor, walls, and the organs. They also occupy the spaces between the pelvic viscera and the peritoneum. The fascia are divided into parietal (which covers the pelvic muscles) and perineal fascia. The parietal pelvic fascia includes:
—obturator fascia;
—piriformis fascia;
—superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm;
—inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm;
—presacral and rectosacral fascia.
The perineal fascia includes the:
-deep perineal fascia;
—perineal membrane;
—superficial investing fascia.
Additionally, the pelvis also contains extraperitoneal fascia, or endopelvic fascia, that sits inferior to the pelvic peritoneum and can be considered one continuous structure of connective tissue. It connects the urogenital organs, sitting within the pelvis, to the lateral pelvic walls.