International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials
3-8 September 2023 | DoubleTree by Hilton Cape Cod, Hyannis, MA, USA

The thirteenth biennial International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials will be held in scenic Cape Cod, Hyannis, USA from to 3-8 September 2023.
This prestigious and long running conference will bring together delegates from around the world to discuss how to characterize, predict, and analyze the fatigue damage of structural materials.
The conference will maintain its unique and traditional format of single-session 30 min oral presentations that facilitates sufficient time for a thorough technical presentation, follow-up discussions, and collegial debate of the cutting-edge issues in the field of fatigue.
The entire conference program is deliberately scheduled with equal significance to our poster sessions, themed in relation to the oral presentations, and assessed for awards via a peer review process. Furthermore, all delegates are strongly encouraged to submit a paper to be published in a conference specific Special Issue of International Journal of Fatigue opens in new tab/window.
We welcome our colleagues to join us once again in the charming and historic city of Hyannis, MA on Cape Cod; our returning delegates will be delighted to find that we are returning to the more modern and updated conference venue used in 2018. We are excited to invite members of the domestic and international fatigue community to join us (again or for the first time) as we continue to advance the knowledge and understanding of the mechanics, materials, environmental, and computational aspects of fatigue damage in structural materials.
Conference topics
Oral and paper abstracts are now invited on the following topics. They should be submitted using the online abstract submission system opens in new tab/window.
Environmental Cracking
High Temperature Fatigue Behaviour
Advanced Crack Characterization Techniques
Atomistic-to-Microstructure Scale Computational Modeling
Microstructural Origins of Crack Formation and Propagation
Fatigue of Additively Manufactured Materials
Loading Protocol Effects (e.g. multi-axial, variable amplitude, thermo-mechanical, contact fatigue)
Effects of Materials Modification (e.g. welds, shot peening)
Next Generation Crack Tip Mechanics
Data Science Based Approaches
Conference deadlines
Abstract submission deadline – 17 March 2023
Author notification deadline – 12 May 2023
Author registration deadline – 9 June 2023
Keynote Speakers
Véronique Doquet Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France Talk title: Mixed mode crack growth in rolling contact fatigue
Ali Fatemi University of Memphis, USA Talk title: Effects of Surface and Volume Defects on Fatigue Performance of Additive Manufactured Metals: Experiments and Modeling
Mark Horstemeyer Liberty University, USA Talk title: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Using a MultiStage Fatigue (MSF) Model (A Multiscale, Microstructure Dependent Fatigue Model Used in Engineering Design and Analysis)
Johan Moverare Linköping University, Sweden Talk title: Effect of Microstructure on the High Temperature Fatigue Behaviour of Metals made by Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing
Conference Chair
Philippa Reed University of Southampton, UK
Committee members
Marie-Christine Baietto LaMCoS UMR CNRS 5259 INSA-Lyon, France
James Burns University of Virginia, USA
Patrick Golden Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
David Nowell Imperial College, London, UK
Marion Risbet University of Technology of Compiègne, France
Dr Mark Whittaker Swansea University, UK
Instron is a leading provider of test equipment for the material and structural testing markets. A global company providing single-source convenience, Instron manufactures and services products used to test the mechanical properties and performances of various materials, components and structures in a wide array of environments. Instron offers an extensive range of fully integrated dynamic and fatigue testing systems from 1000 N up to 5000 kN. Incorporating servohydraulic, servo-electric and linear motor technologies, these test instruments cover a broad range of testing applications. These applications range from high-cycle fatigue to low-cycle fatigue and other types of dynamic and static tests.