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Traininguri online și webinare Elsevier pentru România

Pentru a oferi sprijin profesioniștilor din mediul academic si al cercetării, portalul nostru in limba română oferă un calendar cu viitoare seminare web, și o bibliotecă de materiale video la cerere, fiecare dintre acestea fiind realizat în limba română.

Bine ati venit

Ce ați vrea să învățați astăzi? Selectați din lista de webinare în limba română sau în limba engleză.

Prin intermediul seminarelor noastre web live și înregistrate, acoperim diferite teme și subiecte legate de soluțiile Elsevier, de la sfaturi de căutare în ScienceDirect la evaluarea impactului cercetării asupra societății cu Scopus și SciVal.

Următoarele webinare

В момента няма предстоящи уебинари на живо. Моля, проверете отново, тъй като сайтът се актуализира ежедневно.

Următoarele webinare în limba engleză

Date: 18 April

Time: 10:00

Academic Rankings Landscape: Changes and Trends(opens in new tab/window)

University rankings are evolving side-by-side with the global academic rankings to meet the needs of their diverse target audiences: students, academics, employers, policymakers and other stakeholders. Join us to lern about the recent changes that ranking leaders such as QS and THE World University Rankings have adopted, recent trends in academic rankings industry, and the impact of your institution's representation in Scopus on the overall performance in institutional, subject-specific, and other types of academic rankings.

Date: 15 May

Time: 11:00

Reaxys Monthly - training and "open office"(opens in new tab/window)

Reaxys monthly meeting where we will show various functionalities of Reaxys. The idea of the meeting is to interact with participants, who are encouraged to ask questions and propose search topics. If there will be no questions or topic proposals, we will continue with the training covering all areas of chemistr and related sciences.

Date: 16 May

Time: 10:00

Engineering innovation in record time. Discover Knovel(opens in new tab/window)

Optimize your technical expertise with Knovel 1/2: Introduction to Knovel Perform Quick, Advanced and Property searches Set up alerts and share relevant content in a team folder Benefit of newsfeed, equations, tables, unit converter and interactive graphs Q&A

Date: 23 May

Time: 10:00

Solve complex engineering problems. Explore Knovel(opens in new tab/window)

Optimize your technical expertise with Knovel 2/2: Hands on workshop Introduction to Knovel Live Workshop – Demo of relevant functionalities Hands on workflows for participants Q&A

Date: 28 May

Time: 10:00

Discover ScienceDirect Topics(opens in new tab/window)

Familiarise yourself with new concepts and unfamiliar terms while reading scientific literature without leaving the text. Explore ScienceDirect Topics and find all the advantages of this tool. ScienceDirect Topics uses cutting-edge technology to help increase your understanding of the information you read. During the webinar, we will demonstrate the practical implications for scientists, students and academics.

Date: 22 May

Time: 10:00

Article Search and Reference Management(opens in new tab/window)

This webinar will equip researchers with essential skills for efficient literature search and reference management. Participants will learn about different approaches to searching literature in Scopus and ScienceDirect and saving the literature they would like to revisit and cite in their own research with Mendeley.

Webinare înregistrate

ScienceDirect, Cell Press & Ebooks




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