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Publish with us

Covid-19 community resilience resources

In times of local or global stress, carrying on researching and publishing is difficult. Your main priority is and must remain your own health & safety and that of your families, of course. In order to assist you with continuing your regular publishing activities as far as possible, we offer here a selection of resources that you might find helpful. Some of these are doubtless tools with which you will be already familiar but we trust these centers will add some measure of support in difficult times. With very best wishes for your health and personal endeavors. - The Elsevier Community Team

NB: We are currently working hard on releasing content for all our communities, so please stay tuned for more updates!

Author resources

A collection of resources to support our author community.

Help & Support

In need of assistance? Visit our publishing support center where you'll find answers to many questions as well as being able to email, chat, phone and set up callback with our dedicated support agents.