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THE Innovation and Impact Summit on November 7-8, 2023 in Shenzhen, China

Elsevier is a proud partner of Times Higher Education, providing bibliometric data that underpins World University Rankings. Our experts engage and lead discussions on using data to optimize research planning and programs.

Shenzhen, China - city skyline

Advancing sustainable innovation

Universities and cities often form partnerships and initiatives to drive sustainable innovation, leveraging academic expertise and urban resources to address pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges.

At the THE Innovation and Impact Summit opens in new tab/window, the Elsevier team will participate in panel discussions about measuring the contributions of universities in a city's innovation development and moderate the future of innovation, insights from academic leaders and funders session. Browse this page for insights and resources.

Join the conversations at THE Innovation and Impact Summit 2023

Elsevier team members are participating in or moderating discussions related to collaboration in a multidisciplinary and global research landscape. Add these sessions to your agenda — we welcome the chance to exchange ideas with you.

Panel: Universities as a driver of the innovation-city ecosystem 

Day 2: 8 Nov, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Shenzhen opens in new tab/window

Explore the unique role of universities in innovation-city development and learn best practices on developing a coordinated and collaborative relationship between universities and their cities in this panel moderated by M’hamed el Aisati, Vice-president of research analytics and data services, Elsevier.

M’hamed el Aisati speaker card

Free online resources and reports

Take advantage of these free online resources and reports that offer perspectives and practical ideas for fostering a thriving research ecosystem at your university.

Resources on University Rankings

Explore these resources for a deeper look into how rankings work, and learn about analyzing and tracking research activities to support your institution's rankings and reputation goals.

Explore resources

Resources on University Rankings

The 'What', 'Why', 'How' and more on University-Industry collaboration

This thorough guide reviews the keys to success, the elements of a successful partnership, how to find industry partners and more.

Read the guide and explore more resources about research collaboration & partnerships

Featured content

Societal impact & sustainable development

Learn about what societal impact and the UN SDGs mean to your university and techniques to demonstrate your impact through your research.

Read more and discover more resources on research and societal impact

Societal impact & sustainable development

Back to earth

Back to Earth: Landing real-world impact in academic evaluation examines progress, barriers, and next steps towards demonstrating real-world impact. Gain insights from 400 academic leaders, funders, and researchers on the importance of impact in research assessment and the community-driven drive towards more holistic evaluation.

Download back to earth report

Back to Earth report cover

The Future of Evaluation

Institutions, funders, and researchers face growing pressure to demonstrate a broader impact. Incorporating insights and feedback from global academic leaders, this report explores the need for more fair and inclusive evaluation systems.

Download the future of evaluation report

Future of Evaluation

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Landing real-world impact in academic evaluation

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