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December 12, 2024
By Kim Brunnert, PhD, CESP, Francisco A. Jimenez, PhD
Finding the score formula that yields the best combination of validity and usability for HESI integrated exams.
For more than two decades, HESI has provided reliable exam scores that predict first-time success on the NCLEX-RN®, as well as reports that support learning and remediation. This scoring study was conducted to ensure that HESI scores continue to support these uses even after they include NGN items and partial-credit scoring.
Great care, planning, and attention-to-detail went into incorporating NGN item types and the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) in the HESI blueprints, ensuring that HESI assessments remain reliable and valid for learning, remediation, and predicting first-time NCLEX success.
HESI RN Integrated Exams Score Study white paper
HESI RN Integrated Exams Score Study white paper opens in new tab/windowHESI's valid and reliable assessments, preparation, and review products work seamlessly together to help analyze and improve student performance and promote clinical judgment.
Director of Psychometrics for HESI Review and Testing