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September 11, 2024
Immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have seen a recent explosive evolution of applications for healthcare education. The most pressing need in today’s classroom is the ability to host remote learning activities while providing students an effective way to practice their clinical skills. Although Simulation Learning System (SLS) with VR gives students a safe, realistic environment to help nursing programs provide simulation virtually, determining if virtual reality is the right technology for your learning objectives takes careful consideration.
This comprehensive guide, created by leading experts in healthcare education and virtual reality, provides insights, tips and strategies on how virtual reality can elevate healthcare education, how to successfully implement virtual reality to enhance student learning, and what it might look like in your classroom.
What are the Benefits of Using Simulation to Teach Nursing?
Download guide opens in new tab/windowCreate a totally immersive clinical learning experience with Elsevier’s SLS with VR and leverage the latest virtual reality technology. Give students a safe, ultra-realistic virtual environment where they can gain hands-on patient care experience and enhance their clinical judgment skills.