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Andrés Felipe Quiñónez Moyano, Juan N. Corpas University (Colombia)

Andrés Felipe Quiñónez Moyano, Juan N. Corpas University, Colombia

August 9, 2022

Please briefly describe who you are and your role?

I am Andrés Felipe Quiñónez Moyano, a medical student at the Juan N. Corpas University. As students of this university, we do medical-surgical internships.

What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using ClinicalKey?

With ClinicalKey, I search the latest scientific studies about acute or chronic pathologies that we encounter in the clinic. I use it to be up to date on the diagnostic criteria and treatments of them. I am currently in a Clinical Nutrition hotbed, we use Clinicalkey as the main source of research.

From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using ClinicalKey in your day-to-day routine?

ClinicalKey offers a wealth of medical resources on a single platform, including textbooks, medical journals, videos, images, and learning tools. This makes it easier and more efficient for medical students to access the information needed for their studies.

Overall, ClinicalKey is a very useful tool for medical students and healthcare professionals due to its wide variety of resources, smart search, regular updates, and convenient features.

What’s the primary reason you would recommend ClinicalKey?

The quality of the scientific articles and journals, the support for the diagnosis it gives us, the possibility of reducing the margin of error by updating diagnostic criteria; it is important to have these resources at hand to be a good medical and clinical professional.

Is it important in your daily clinical activity to have access to diagnostic support tools?

Of course, it is important for all medical personnel, such as medical students, general practitioners, residents or specialists. It reduces the margin of medical error and better focuses on the patients’ therapeutic plan. The one who will always have the greatest benefit from good medical knowledge will be the patients.

Andrés Felipe Quiñónez Moyano, Juan N. Corpas University (Colombia)

Andrés Felipe Quiñónez Moyano, Juan N. Corpas University (Colombia)

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