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Diagnostic Decision Support: Impact, Adoption and Satisfaction

Integrating Diagnostic Decision Support into daily workflows saves an average of 18 minutes

One of the nation’s premier radiological centers was surveyed regarding their experience using a diagnostic decision support tool as it relates to workflow, efficiency, and case evaluation. Participants in the survey utilized the STATdx diagnostic decision support tool for radiologists. In all, 30 interviews were conducted, and 168 surveys fielded.

This is what we discovered.

Instead of having to hunt through a variety of different websites, you go to one place and you can trust the content. - Radiologist

Evidence-based content improves case evaluation and confidence

Radiologists and residents who evaluated STATdx in this study interpret nearly one million examinations and procedures each year. The team is committed to delivering high-quality of care to address the most unique and complicated of patient cases. They reported significant satisfaction with the use of a decision support tool and believe it has improved their confidence and case evaluation, better enabling them to serve and care for their patients.

  • 73% has improved my confidence overall

  • 77% has improved my case evaluation

  • 70% helps me answer my questions quickly

  • 86% significant satisfaction with DDX content

  • 88% high satisfaction with access to high-quality images

  • 85% helps confirms case diagnosis

  • 90% provides evidence-based guidance

Second Year Resident Testimonial STATdx

In their own words

20% are very complex cases that require a lot of thought and dedication to the understanding of the underlying problem. On those cases I find myself using a credible diagnostic decision support tool more frequently to reinforce more reference information and teaching points. Assistant professor of neuroradiology and attending physician

  • 66% use STATdx for reading cases presented in their daily workflow

  • 73% read cases in their daily workflow faster

  • 78% believe they gained overall efficiency

I’m able to find what I need rapidly; no need to comb through an entire several page description of a disease process. Or if I’m looking for a clinical presentation, I know that there’s a specific section for that that I can quickly get. Assistant Professor of Radiology

High-quality evidence-based content supports high-quality care

Delivering the best patient care and outcomes is every radiologist’s ultimate goal. Integrating comprehensive, consolidated evidence-based decision support directly into the workstream has improved overall efficiency, radiologist confidence and case evaluation – allowing the radiology center to continue delivering the highest quality care to all its patients.

Having a trusted and complete resource, which includes multiple examples of common entities, as well as credible examples of uncommon entities, is helpful both for illustrative teaching purposes as well as an on-the-spot reference for clinical case interpretation.Clinical Educator

In an era of increasing unfamiliarity and the growing need for an expanded knowledge base, radiologists need the assurance they have access to the latest evidence-based information to help them make fast, accurate, efficient decisions.

A comprehensive and trusted diagnostic decision support tool for radiologists, STATdx will help you diagnose consistently with speed, accuracy and confidence. STATdx is like having a trusted expert in the reading room with just one click.

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Diagnostic Decision Support: Impact, Adoption and Satisfaction

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