Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity
The Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Chemistry was established in 1980 by the Executive Board of Editors and the Publisher of Tetrahedron Publications. It is intended to honour the memory of the founding co-Chairmen of these publications, Professor Sir Robert Robinson and Professor Robert Burns Woodward.

The Tetrahedron Prize is awarded on an annual basis for creativity in Organic Chemistry or Bioorganic/Medicinal Chemistry, and is presented to a chemist who has made significant original contributions to the field, in its broadest sense. The prize consists of a gold medal, a certificate, and a monetary award of US $15,000 and an invitation to present a plenary lecture during the annual Tetrahedron Symposium.
In 2024, the award honors significant original, creative contributions to the field of Organic Chemistry. The winner is expected to suggest appropriate authors for a joint Tetrahedron/Tetrahedron Letters Special Issue that will be compiled in their honour.
Application process
This year the prize will be awarded to an Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemist who has made significant original contributions to the field, in its broadest sense.
To nominate candidates, please send a document (as PDF) containing the following elements:
The nominee’s name, current affiliation, contact details and website
A two-page biographical sketch
A list of no more than 10 of the nominee’s key publications
Two-page letter of support from nominator (including contact details of nominator)
The deadline for nominations is 30 April 2025.
Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominations can be updated and renewed every year and will remain valid for five additional rounds after the last renewal.
Please send all nominations to Liza Chan ([email protected] opens in new tab/window). Questions concerning the award may also be sent to Liza Chan.
For more information please follow us on our social media channels:
Past winners
View the list of winners on the Tetrahedron journal page opens in new tab/window