Communicating Branch of Zygomaticotemporal Nerve to Lacrimal Nerve (Left)
Ramus communicans lacrimalis nervi zygomaticotemporalis
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Origin: Zygomaticotemporal nerve.
Course: Runs into the periorbital fascia, superiorly towards the lacrimal nerve, joining it just posterior to the lacrimal gland.
Branches: None.
Supply: Carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the zygomatic nerve to the lacrimal nerve as they head to the lacrimal gland
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The communicating branch of the zygomaticotemporal nerve to lacrimal nerve originates from the zygomaticotemporal branch of the zygomatic nerve prior to its exit from the orbit. These parasympathetic fibers originate in the pterygopalatine ganglion where they synapse with the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the greater petrosal nerve.
From their origin at the inferior and lateral wall of the orbit, the fibers pierce the periorbital fascia, moving deeper into the orbit and more superiorly to reach the lacrimal nerve just posterior to the lacrimal gland.
The communicating branch of the zygomaticotemporal nerve to lacrimal nerve is unbranched. It allows the transmission of parasympathetic fibers from the zygomatic nerve to the lacrimal nerve as these fibers travel to their target gland.
Supplied Structures
The communicating branch of the zygomaticotemporal nerve to lacrimal nerve transmits postganglionic parasympathetic fibers that will innervate the lacrimal gland.