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Pelvic Diaphragm
Muscular System

Pelvic Diaphragm

Diaphragma pelvis

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The muscles of the pelvic diaphragm include those that contribute to the majority of the pelvic floor, which itself separates the pelvis from the perineum. These muscles are arranged in a bowl-like fashion and support the pelvic organs. The muscles of the pelvic diaphragm include the:

- levator ani;

- coccygeus.

The levator ani muscle forms the majority of the pelvic diaphragm, while the right and left coccygeus muscles form its posterosuperior part.

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Pelvic Floor

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The pelvic floor (PF) is a multifunctional complex of muscle fibers, fascia, ligaments, and connective tissue that form a hammock at the bottom of the abdomino-pelvic cavity.

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