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Joints of Pelvic Girdle (Left)
Connective Tissue

Joints of Pelvic Girdle (Left)

Juncturae cinguli pelvici

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The pelvic girdle is a basin-like structure, formed from the left and right hip bones (coxal bone), sacrum, and coccyx. The coxal or hip bone consists of the ilium superiorly, the ischium posteroinferiorly, and the pubis anteroinferiorly. Each of these bones contributes to the formation of the acetabulum.

Anteriorly, the pelvic girdle is connected by the pubic symphysis. This consists of a fibrocartilaginous disc that sits between the medial aspects of the left and right pubic bones. Posteriorly, the ilium articulates with the sacrum and forms the right and left sacroiliac joints.

Each of these joints is reinforced by ligaments which confer a high degree of stability to the weight bearing pelvic girdle.

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Pelvic Girdle

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The pelvic girdle is considered to be the bony ring formed by the hip bones and the sacrum, to which the lower limbs are attached.

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