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Addressing student anxiety

Addressing student clinical practice anxiety

December 10, 2024

By Hollie Moots, DNP, RN, CNE, CHSE

Anxiety can be crippling for nursing students, with impact on their physical and mental health as well as academic and clinical performance. With the additional challenges and uncertainty in today’s education environment, student anxiety is likely to be more common, with increased feelings of pressure in an unprecedented way.

White paper highlights

  • Stress and anxiety are prevalent in college students, with an increasing trend over the years.

  • Nursing students experience higher levels of stress and anxiety compared to students in other health profession programs.

  • Anxiety in nursing students can have negative impacts on their physical and mental health, academic performance, clinical performance, and patient safety. Clinical experiences and the clinical environment are significant sources of stress and anxiety for nursing students. The COVID-19 pandemic has further added challenges to nursing education, including the loss of clinical experiences.

Addressing student clinical practice

White paper: Addressing student clinical practice anxiety

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Hollie Moots


Hollie Moots, DNP, RN, CNE, CHSE

Nursing Education Specialist
