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학계 및 연구 리더

Resources and support for academic and research leaders

Explore resources and solutions as you develop research strategies, foster collaboration within and beyond your institution, support research and academic management, and showcase impact.

Academic & Research Leader

Featured resources

More resources

Analyze and demonstrate research impact

Whether you are a department head, director of research, or research officer, innovative online tools can help you boost your reputation and research opportunities by enabling you to understand, evaluate and showcase your research impact.

Featured products:

Demonstrate Impact

Support your institution's ranking and reputation goals

With Scopus and SciVal, you can enable research office, library and academic department staff to plan, progress and evaluate research actitivites with the same quality data and analytical views — enabling your university to better compete at a global level.

Find out more about how Scopus and SciVal can inform your rankings strategy.

Understand rankings

Develop research strategies with industry-leading technology, tools and data

When developing research strategies, best-in-class analytics solutions can help you quickly understand your organization’s strengths and opportunities so you can decide where to go next.

Featured products:

Develop strategy

Enable efficiency and insights for academic lifecycle and research management

Universities operate in an increasingly complex and competitive environment. To thrive, you need intuitive, streamlined systems that provide insight while easing administrative burdens. Explore how Elsevier's academic information solutions can help.

Featured products:

Aggregate siloed information

Expand collaborations and build research teams

Partnering with like-minded researchers in your institution, your industry or your subject of study is critical to advance your programs and elevate research at your institution. Our solutions help you make the right choices on research areas to pursue, building research teams, and forging partnerships across sectors and countries.

Featured products:

Support collaboration

Back to Earth: Landing real-world impact in research evaluation.

Astronaut on orange background