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Conference speaker

Valeria Souza


Valeria Souza

Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM, Mexico

Talk Title: How to understand the holobiont response to the Anthoropocene at the end of the world?

Dr. Valeria Souza got her bachelor in biology, masters of genetics and PhD in ecology at the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM) in 1990. After that, she did 2 postdocs with Richar LEnski at UCI, Irvine and MSU, Michigan. She and her family returned in 1993  to work as an associate professor at Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM where she still works as a senior researcher.

Dr. Souza´s are of interest is the Evolutionary Ecology and Molecular Evolution of microorganisms, trying to understand the medular question: Why so many species? In order to do so, which are the physiological, evolutionary and ecological processes that allow coexistence and diversification from the population level to ecosystems in natural settings such as Cuatro Ciénegas and more recently, the ocean at the Magellan Strait in the South tip of Chile.