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Conference speaker

Sonia Sayago-Ayerdi


Sonia Sayago-Ayerdi

Technological Institute of Tepic, Mexico

Talk Title: Fruit by-products-snacks are the better choice for a healthier diet

Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi has a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad La Salle A.C., a Master of Science in Biotic Product Development from the IPN, and a Ph.D. in Nutrition from Complutense University of Madrid. She is a Professor at the National Technological Institute of Mexico in Tepic Nayarit.

One of her main interests is to carry out group research on underutilized native foods, the traditional Mexican diet, and the potential use of food by-products and to evaluate the effect of processing on the bioavailability and bioavailability (in vitro and in vivo) of bioactive compounds. Besides the colonic fermentation in humans and evaluating the prebiotic effect of non-conventional sources of dietary fiber (tropical fruits).