Conference speaker

José A. Pomposo
University of the Basque Country, Spain
Talk: Pushing the boundaries of single-chain nanoparticles research
Winner of the Andrew Keller Award for Best European Paper
José A. Pomposo is IKERBASQUE Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country, Department of Advanced Polymers and Materials: Physics, Chemistry and Technology. He has been selected as recipient of POLYMER’s Andrew Keller Award for Best European Paper (2022) for the contribution “Stars, combs and bottlebrushes of elastic single-chain nanoparticles”.
José A. Pomposo received his PhD from the University of the Basque Country in 1994. From January 1997 to August 2009 he was Director of the New Materials Department at Cidetec Research Center. After one year at DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center) he became permanent staff member of the “Polymers & Soft Matter Group” in September 2010. He is in charge of the Synthesis Lab oriented to Polymers at the Materials Physic Center (MPC), a joint center between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of the Basque Country.
His research interests include the synthesis of uniform soft nano-objects, research in the structure, dynamics & self-assembly behaviour of complex single chain nano-objects, and construction of hybrid organic nanostructures.