Conference speaker

Joao Barreira
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
João Carlos Martins Barreira has a MSc in Chemistry (Faculty of Sciences - Universidade Porto) and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto. He completed two periods of post-Doc research (2011-2014 and 2014-2017). Since April 2017, JCMB is a Full Researcher a researcher at Mountain Research Center and has been working as Advisor in the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion since October 2019.
He authored 140 papers, mostly in Q1 journals, and revised more than 400. Between September 2002 and July 2019 he had a consistent teaching career, having lectured more than 30 curricular units. JCMB integrates the European Food Safety Authority panel on Scientific and Technical Support - Novel Foods & Nutrient Sources and is Senior Editor of Food Chemistry X journal.