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Conference speaker

Jared Anderson


Jared Anderson


Iowa State University, USA

Talk title: Advances in ionic liquid-based stationary phase and sorbent materials for multidimensional gas chromatography and sample preparation

Jared L. Anderson, Alice Hudson Professor of Chemistry, and Faculty Scientist at Ames Laboratory earned his B.S. in 2000 from South Dakota State University and his Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 2005.

Prior to joining Iowa State University, he was a Professor of Chemistry at The University of Toledo from 2005-2015 where held the ranks of assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor. His research focuses on the development of stationary phases for multidimensional chromatography, alternative approaches for sample preparation, particularly in nucleic acid isolation and purification, and analytical tools for trace-level analysis within active pharmaceutical ingredients. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed publications, 5 book chapters, and has co-edited a book series titled “Analytical Separation Science”. He currently holds 6 patents and is an editor for the Journal of Chromatography A.