Conference speaker

Hery Purnobasuki
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Hery Purnobasuki, MSc, PhD. is an Professor at Biology Department Faculty Sciences and Technology Airlangga University, and a senior partner in the Indonesian Biology Associate Group.
Dr. Purnobasuki has over 60 scientific papers and projects either presented or published. He is an internationally recognized expert in areas of plant structures and development especially in mangrove plants. He is a regularly sought after and requested lecturer at the majority of major plant biology. Dr. Purnobasuki is the Chief of Research and Innovation Institute in Airlangga University. Recent publications include a paper on the root of mangrove plants. Dr. Purnobasuki is a faculty member of Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University. Dr. Purnobasuki is recognized by his peers as a Scientific and Plant anatomycal expert that integrates new sight of plant knowledge. Dr. Purnobasuki holds a BS in Biology from Airlangga University and an MSc in Biology with highest honors from Institute Teknologi Bandung. He completed his residency in Plant Structures and Development as PhD from Tohoku University in Japan.