Conference speaker

Giorgio Mannina
Full Professor
University of Palermo, Italy
Dr Giorgio Mannina is Full Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Engineering Department of Palermo University – Italy. His research interest and focus is on: advanced wastewater treatments (MBR, MBBR, hybrid processes, IFAS, Granular systems etc..), BNR processes, environmental water quality mathematical modelling etc.
He is authors of more than 350 papers of which >160 on ISI Journals and Editors of around 10 books with more than 30 authored chapters. He has been invited to give several plenary/keynotes and invited talks, seminars and lecturers in the international conferences as well as the universities/research institutions. Prof. Mannina has been visiting Professor/Researcher in several Universities: Columbia University, New York (USA), Tongji University (Shanghai, Cina), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, (Belgium), Laval University (Canada), The University of Queensland, Australia, Gdansk University (Poland).
Prof. Mannina is Associate/Guest Editor of multiple ISI Journals: Journal of Bioresource Technology, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Hydrology etc. He is Chair of the International Water Association (IWA) Task Group on Membrane Bioreactor modelling & control and Member of the IWA Specialist Group "Membrane Technology". Prof. Mannina is Fulbright research Fellow at Columbia University (New York, USA)- 2018. He is/has been Chair of International Conferences, seminars and Advanced courses supported by International Water Association - IWA.