Conference speaker

Francesca Malpei
Full Professor
Politecnico di Milano DICA, Italy
Dr.Francesca Malpei is Full Professor of Wastewater Treatment Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (I), Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and Head of the “Environmental Engineering” and "A.Rozzi" research labs of DICA.
Research interests are focused on anaerobic biotechnologies as cornerstone of a sustainable, safe and integrated treatment and recovery of liquid, gaseous and solid by-products of municipal and agroindustrial origin. Optimization of biomethane production from CO2 and greenH2, fate of microplastic in sludge pretreatment and anaerobic digestion and recover of exopolymeric substances from granules are among the most recent topic investigated. Author and co-author of more than 200 papers (> 75 on ISI Journals).