
Clare Mills
University of Surrey, UK
Topic: Allergen Identification and Management of Allergens in Foods
Clare Mills is a Professor of Food and Molecular Immunology at the University of Surrey and has an Honoray Chair at the University of Manchester where she is part of the Respiratory and Allergy Research team at the Wythenshawe Hospital. She led the EU integrated projects iFAAM and EuroPrevall, the European Food Safety Authority project ThrAll and the UK Food Standards Agency project PAFA. She was also a partner in a recent EFSA project led by EuroFIR on allergenicity prediction and leads the safety workpackage in the EU project Giant Leaps. Professor Mills is a member of the FSA Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes and was involved in the recent FAO-WHO Expert Consultation on Food Allergens. Her personal research interests are focused on structure-function relationships in food proteins particularly with regards what makes some proteins, and not others, become allergens, including the effects of the food matrix and processing on resistance of food proteins to digestion and the role this plays in determining the allergenicity of foods.