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Conference speaker

Alessandro Baraldi


Alessandro Baraldi

Full Professor

University of Trieste, Italy

Talk: When each atom makes the difference: the unique properties of the oxides at the sub-nanoscale

Prof. Alessandro Baraldi is a full professor at the Department of Physics (Department of Excellence 2023-2027) of the University of Trieste. He is the head of the Nanoscale Materials Laboratory at Elettra, the synchrotron radiation facility placed in Italy.

He received his PhD at the Physics Department of the Karl-Franzens Unviersität in Graz-Austria under the supervision of prof. Falko P. Nezter. After a period as beamline scientist at Elettra he joined the University of Trieste in 2001. He actually serves ad Deputy-Rector for Scientific Research and Doctorates.

Current interests include the developement of a variety of experimental techniques to study surfaces and interfaces and the synhtesis and characterization of nanostructured materials down to the atomic lenght scales. His research interest if focussed on nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanocatalysis. Baraldi group’s current research is dedicated to nanoclusters, 2D materials, solid surfaces/interfaces which are investigated by combining synchrotron-based photoelectron and absorption spectroscopies with advanced DFT calculations with the aim to reveal the peculiar relationship between the structural and the physical/chemical properties of these materials.