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Series Editor

Susan Wray


Susan Wray

Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology

University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

E-mail Susan Wray

It is a great pleasure to introduce myself as both the President of IUPS and as the Series Editor for the new IUPS Fundamentals Book Series. I saw an opportunity to ensure we continue to do things that are important to physiologists worldwide and their national societies, and to show case the diversity of educators/researchers and research represented by the IUPS. The Fundamentals series will serve as an authoritative book covering a major aspect of an organ system(s) or physiological principles(s) extending from basic ideas to our current understanding.

It is my pleasure to share my background with you. My research has focused on uterine contractility, and smooth muscle research. The research focuses on understanding the physiological mechanisms regulating uterine contractions during normal and abnormal labours. I was an undergraduate and PhD student at University College London. I moved to Liverpool as a lecturer, obtained a personal chair six years later, and became Head of Department in 2003. I am a Fellow and past Council member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ad eundem, and Member of the Academia Europaea.

My love of physiology and respect for IUPS mean I will relish and do my utmost to deliver upon our common goals. Working with the teams within IUPS, I will work to deliver on the IUPS mission and ensure the joy of physiology shines brightly and inspires us, and the next generation of physiologists.

This unique new Book Series allows us to support the IUPS’s key goals of promoting physiology and physiologists and supporting science without borders for the benefit of all.

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