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Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

The Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology series is a new venture that aims to provide a comprehensive suite of reference books on developing areas in applied microbiology and biotechnology. Chapters written by experts worldwide will introduce practical aspects and best methods, will explain the applied microbiology and biotechnology knowledge, and will provide forward-looking perspectives.

Ultimately, the series aims to aid postgraduate students and researchers apply microbiological tools and understand current challenges in the field. The books will provide a valuable reference for scientists working outside their own area of current expertise or looking to engage in applied microbiology and biotechnology.

Coverage will include topics such as perspectives on biotechnological processes, products, microbial genomes, methods and equipment.

Sample cover of Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology


Academicians, researchers and (post) graduate students engaged in these major research streams of applied microbiology like science, technology and medicine. Other stakeholders such as policy makers, industrial leaders, professionals.