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Turning knowledge into impact

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Write, collaborate, and stay organized

Elsa is an authoring tool that is designed to specifically support the manuscript submission process. Get a bird's eye view of key elements of your text: references, tables, and figures, see where your project is in the workflow, and track your word count, all within one window. With Elsa, you can collaborate more efficiently, reach more readers and spend more time writing and less time on formatting tasks, saving you time and effort from start to finish.

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Spend more time writing, less time formatting

Elsa simplifies the most tedious parts of the publishing process by formatting your chapter as you write and auto-numbering your table of contents, references, callouts, figures, tables, boxes, and equations.  Elsa also allows you to see a preview of what your chapter may look like in print. With less time spent on formatting, you can focus on what you do best - writing and disseminating knowledge.

Stay organized

You have enough to think about so Elsa can help you stay organized. With Elsa, you can see all your assignments and their status in one place and view dashboards of chapters and project progress in real time. Elsa’s Publishing Assistant tool helps ensure that your manuscript meets submission requirements by tracking key information such as word count, workflow progress, and accessibility. Elsa's privacy controls also ensure no changes are made to your content while you are working.

Collaborate seamlessly

Elsa centralizes communication so you can easily collaborate with all your publishing partners in one place. Send comments and reply directly in the chapter to co-authors and Elsevier staff, track changes to see who changed what, where, and when, and pass a manuscript to another colleague without worrying about keeping track of versions, edits in emails, or document sharing.

Reach more readers

Connect with more readers through Elsa’s tagging capabilities, which allow you to assign keywords to chapters, thus making your content more discoverable on search engines and Elsevier platforms. Not sure where to start? Elsa will suggest possible keywords to help you choose those most relevant to your content