We license high-quality and machine-readable datasets for a range of use cases:
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Find us at booth #732.
Here you can find curated content to inform you about Elsevier’s solutions for supporting industry goals in AI and R&D.
BioTechX Talks:
Plenary Keynote Room (Day 1): Oct 9, 9:40am, "Using data and AI to accelerate innovation in Pharma opens in new tab/window", Mirit Eldor opens in new tab/window, Managing Director, Elsevier Life Sciences Solutions.
Analytics Track Presentation, Theater 7 (Day 1): Oct 9, 12:45pm, “SciBite Chat, evaluation and the future; GenAI’s role in the automation of human workflows opens in new tab/window“, Joseph Mullen opens in new tab/window, Director of Data Science & Professional Services, SciBite.
BiotechX Keynote - Using data and AI to accelerate innovation in Pharma opens in new tab/window
Email us any questions here opens in new tab/window.
We license high-quality and machine-readable datasets for a range of use cases:
We deliver ontology management and named-entity extraction (NER) tools for in-house data science experts.
Named Entity Extraction (NER), TERMite opens in new tab/window
Ontology Management, CENtree opens in new tab/window
Our tools are designed with drug R&D in mind and can be standalone or integrated into your ecosystem:
Biology, Embiology (Knowledge Graph based)
Chemistry, Reaxys (with new, award-winning AI)
Medical, Embase (for systematic reviews, adverse event screening)
Safety / Toxicology, PharmaPendium (from FDA/EMA filings)
SciBiteSearch opens in new tab/window: next generation scientific search and analytics platform
SciBiteChat opens in new tab/window: uses the power of GenAI combined with that of ontology-driven semantic search to enable customers to “have a conversation with their data.”
Our tools are designed with drug R&D in mind and can be standalone or integrated into your ecosystem:
Biology, Embiology (Knowledge Graph based)
Chemistry, Reaxys (with new, award-winning AI)
Medical, Embase (for systematic reviews, adverse event screening)
Safety / Toxicology, PharmaPendium (from FDA/EMA filings)
SciBiteSearch opens in new tab/window: next generation scientific search and analytics platform
SciBiteChat opens in new tab/window: uses the power of GenAI combined with that of ontology-driven semantic search to enable customers to “have a conversation with their data.”