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Pre-clinical preparation for nursing students with hands-on digital charting
SimChart is an Australian Electronic Medical Record (EMR) teaching and learning platform, designed to expose students to the principles of digital charting in an interactive environment.
Build confidence using an EMR in the clinical setting
Many students lack confidence and feel unprepared using an EMR in a clinical setting. SimChart helps students to navigate EMRs, locate and retrieve data, record information and analyse care; all within a risk-free, academic Australian healthcare environment.
Aligned with Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, SimChart offers exposure to the principles of Australian-themed vital signs and observations charts, comprehensive system assessments, interventions, medication charting and much more.
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Pre-built, unfolding case studies or a blank canvas to build your own
Case studies provide interactive learning opportunities for students to practise administering medications safely and in a timely, well-documented manner. SimChart tests knowledge and safety considerations through multiple-choice questions and special administration instructions.
Choose pre-built, unfolding case studies covering Australia’s National Health Priority Areas, or customise an unpopulated EMR to meet specific requirements of your activity or curriculum.
Localised for Australian and New Zealand nursing education
Alignment to core subject areas in the Australian and New Zealand nursing curricula
Australian Standard of Vital Sign assessment (A-E approach)
Introduction of AU & NZ ‘normal values range’ to Vital Sign Charts
Reflection of Early Warning Score (EWS) observation charts
Case study coverage of National Health Priority Areas
Inputs from local nursing educators and health informatics specialists