Elsevier and the United Nations University–World Institute for Developmental Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) have established an agreement to help enable open access for research commissioned and funded by UNU-WIDER. This enables authors to comply with the institute's open access policy. This agreement covers research published after 1st October 2013.
Gold open access
Authors who are employed or funded by UNU-WIDER can publish their research open access in either an Elsevier open access journal or in a subscription journal which supports open access publishing.
Upon publication, Elsevier will:
Enable authors to identify themselves as being funded by UNU-WIDER via our funding body form.
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Offer authors the choice of Creative Commons user licenses
Add the CrossMark® identifier and links back to the authoritative version of record on ScienceDirect.
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When publishing gold open access, after acceptance a publication fee needs to be paid. These associated costs will be paid directly from UNU-WIDER to Elsevier. Upon the author's notification that their article is covered by the UNU-WIDER policy, no fee will be required to be paid during the publication process by the author.
In addition to this, authors are also able to immediately post the final open access article to both an appropriate repository of UNU-WIDER and other relevant repository's of the author's choosing. Read more on author rights.
Green open access
For articles which were published prior to 1st October 2013, authors are able to self-archive their:
Pre-prints immediately for public access, under a CC BY license
Accepted author manuscript after the journal specific embargo periodopens in new tab/window has expired, under a CC BY-NC-ND license
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