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Elsevier PayScape

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At Elsevier, we are committed to streamlining payment solutions that allow us to offer quicker payment turnaround on invoices, protect our suppliers from fraud, and support a ‘green’ solution. We are pleased to announce our PayScape initiative to send electronic payments to our valued suppliers. We will be working with Vendorin in this effort, the leading authority in electronic payments.

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We are pleased to announce our PayScape initiative

PayScape offers fast electronic payment of approved invoices. Electronic payments are designed with you, our valued supplier, in mind and provides numerous benefits not previously available.

  • Supplier portal – 24/7 access to payment status

  • More efficient payment process with the ability to get the payment to you faster

  • Simple enrollment

  • Eco-friendly

  • Reduced risk of check fraud, mailing delays and lost checks

Your company has been identified as one receiving checks from us and we strongly encourage you to enroll immediately. Enrollment takes less than 5 minutes and can be done at the following website: opens in new tab/window (activation code: VxG0iK08o8Fc).

To learn more about the PayScape initiative, a Vendorin associate can assist by phone (888) 618-2550 or email [email protected] opens in new tab/window. Please identify yourself as a supplier of Elsevier.

We look forward to your participation in the Elsevier PayScape initiative and taking advantage of the benefits now available to you!


Elainrose Faith Esberto Global Process Owner- P2P Operations Director ELSEVIER | Finance and Accounting Hub